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Boys Before Flowers

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view post Posted on 3/3/2008, 14:24     +1   -1

한국인의마음을 가진 이태리인



CITAZIONE (Misato-san @ 3/3/2008, 13:48)
Per altro neanche io sono una fan del manga (anzi... ^^ ) pero' il drama giapponese l'ho adorato... non e' il plot ad essere fondamentale, ma la resa della storia... se riesci a sceneggiare sapientemente una storia, e ovviamente a trovare gli attori adatti... anche qualcosa di visto e rivisto puo' acquisire un enorme interesse.

A volte solo leggendo le trame dei drama sembrano tutte ugualui, banali, ma poi è la sceneggiatura, i personaggi, l'interpretazione, la musica, i dialoghi, la regia che ne possono fare un capolavoro.
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 09:39     +1   -1

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CITAZIONE (tsukushi*makino @ 3/3/2008, 14:02)
CITAZIONE (Gnoma @ 3/3/2008, 13:01)
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Ovviamente alla fine muoiono tutti

:petr: :petr: :petr:

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se è di vecchiaia va bene lo stesso
:gnegne: :gnegne: :gnegne:

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Certo che no, alla fine Zucusci coreana prende una pistola, spara a tutti poi si butta giù da una montagna altissima dove si sfracella sulla scogliera :beota:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 11:35     +1   -1

CITAZIONE (Gnoma @ 2/3/2008, 22:17)
Oh! Arrivo sempre dopo ma... Wow, che sorpresa!!! Avremo l'en plein di HDY??? Mi pare sia il primo manga che abbia tutte e 3 le versioni, vero? :love:

Per me sarà interessante confrontare le differenze culturali, di target, budget e sceneggiatura proposte da 3 culture e con stili narrativi così diversi. Si sa che i giapponesi, per non fare dei doppioni del cartaceo che già è strafamoso in patria, tendono a modificare parecchio i manga da cui traggono drama; mentre i taiwanesi lo riprendono pari pari battuta per battuta, però dislocano l'ambientazione per adattarla più ad un mondo credibile; i coreani invece sono anche fedeli nella trama, ma si perdono sempre sul finale (ho letto sul soompi da fonti autorevoli che moriranno tutti nel penultimo episodio e l'ultimo episodio sarà il funerale di gruppo in versione integrale).

Dire cose come "il migliore" e "il peggiore" è un po' riduttivo, alla fine sono davvero DIVERSI: così come noi tra i nostri connazionali italioti difendiamo la cultura asiatica perchè DIVERSA, non accettiamo le diverse culture asiatiche tra di loro?
Si sa che i taiwanesi hanno un target per adolescenti molto spesso, i tailandesi per casalinghe frustrate e frustate, i giapponesi tendono all'eccesso e i coreani frignano... Piace? Non piace? Ma in tutti i paesi ci sono i buoni e i cattivi prodotti, gli attori che ogni tanto fanno flop e ogni tanto sono bravi, eccetera...

Cmq, meglio una nonna con la dentiera (Bae) che fa la parte di Rui piuttosto che un Juntaro (e ora corro :gnegne: )

Quoto quoto!è giusto,ogni paese ha il suo modo di portare sulla scena una storia e soprattutto ha i suoi propri target!Spero che nemmeno questa versione ci deludera,anzi!A me comunque sono abbastanza piaciute entrambe le versioni di Hyd.Comunque non sono d'accordo solo con l'ultima cosa che hai detto :porc: Povero Junjun :blush:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 12:10     +1   -1

O mammaaaaaaaaaaaaaa voglio la versione Koreana di HAnadan!!!!!!
I coreani sono obiettivamente i + BELLI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Non vedo l'oraaaaaaaaaaaa
Binnino nei panni di tsukasa ce lo vedo alla perfezione...però anche lee min ki mio non ce lo vedo niente male!!!!
Sono troppo agitataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 12:14     +1   -1

CITAZIONE (Alessandra-chan @ 4/3/2008, 12:10)
I coreani sono obiettivamente i + BELLI!!!!!!!!!!!!

ma i drama, o gli ometti? :hihi:

Binnino nei panni di tsukasa ce lo vedo alla perfezione...però anche lee min ki mio non ce lo vedo niente male!!!!

Che coppia sarebbero!!! :love:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 12:21     +1   -1

è vero i coreani sono sempre i migliori!!cosi intensi! :love:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 12:25     +1   -1

CITAZIONE (Gnoma @ 4/3/2008, 12:14)
CITAZIONE (Alessandra-chan @ 4/3/2008, 12:10)
I coreani sono obiettivamente i + BELLI!!!!!!!!!!!!

ma i drama, o gli ometti? :hihi:

ometti!!!! >_<
Nonostante il mio preferito non è coreano (e tutte sapete CHI E') trovo che siamo i + "maschi" degli orientali!!!! :gnegne:
Binnino nei panni di tsukasa ce lo vedo alla perfezione...però anche lee min ki mio non ce lo vedo niente male!!!!

Che coppia sarebbero!!! :love:

:amor: :amor: :amor: :amor: :amor: :amor:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 13:07     +1   -1

Senior Member

Longbourn Destinazione: Pemberley


CITAZIONE (Gnoma @ 4/3/2008, 12:14)
Binnino nei panni di tsukasa ce lo vedo alla perfezione...però anche lee min ki mio non ce lo vedo niente male!!!!

Che coppia sarebbero!!! :love:

hai visto i miei F4 perfetti nella prima pagina? :love:

vedrete che non ci deluderà :hero:
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view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 13:09     +1   -1

CITAZIONE (Alessandra-chan @ 4/3/2008, 12:25)
CITAZIONE (Gnoma @ 4/3/2008, 12:14)
CITAZIONE (Alessandra-chan @ 4/3/2008, 12:10)
I coreani sono obiettivamente i + BELLI!!!!!!!!!!!!

ma i drama, o gli ometti? :hihi:

ometti!!!! >_<
Nonostante il mio preferito non è coreano (e tutte sapete CHI E') trovo che siamo i + "maschi" degli orientali!!!! :gnegne:


Concordo perfettamente con te Lali...per quanto riguarda mascolinità sono i migliori. 4 bei omaccioni che interpretano gli F4 ...che visione celestiale :joy: :joy:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 15:41     +1   -1

SE7EN is my love! Image Hosted by ImageShack.usSe7en's Music

"Mantua me genuit"_ Virgilio


CITAZIONE (kaory72 @ 4/3/2008, 13:09)
4 bei omaccioni che interpretano gli F4 ...che visione celestiale :joy: :joy:

Ci sarà da divertirsi!!! :shifty: :sbav: :cuute: :hihi:

Qualcosa di piu' certo si sa??? :huhuhu:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 18:37     +1   -1

Senior Member



Binnino nei panni di tsukasa ce lo vedo alla perfezione...però anche lee min ki mio non ce lo vedo niente male!!!!

Binni lo vedrei più nei panni di Rui :innocent: ma nei panni di Tsukasa preferisco non vederci nessuno per ora :gnegne:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 20:06     +1   -1

Senior Member

Longbourn Destinazione: Pemberley


CITAZIONE (Lali-chan @ 4/3/2008, 18:37)
Binni lo vedrei più nei panni di Rui :innocent:

no io in Rui non ce lo vedrei per niente :mhuaua:
ce lo vedrei bene a fare o domyoji o al massimo sojiro :dance: di sicuro non un tipino pacato come rui :mhuaua:
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view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 20:08     +1   -1

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Pacato? Io lo definirei rimasto :D e appunto Binni :hua:
view post Posted on 4/3/2008, 20:31     +1   -1

Senior Member

Longbourn Destinazione: Pemberley


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view post Posted on 18/3/2008, 23:04     +1   -1

한국인의마음을 가진 이태리인



questo articolo è stato postato nel thread di Gong Yoo e KJH del soompi. Alcuni nomi non mi paiono adatti per il ruolo (vedi KJH che preferirei in qualche altro drama :love:)

Scusate non è tradotto ma era troppo lungo ;_;

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(Feelings @ Mar 15 2008, 12:45 PM)
Korean Version of "Boys Over Flowers", Let's Cast on How We Want It

Finally, a Korean version of "Boys Over Flowers" is under production. If I could, who would I pick for F4? So we asked the members of "Patzzi". Please pick for us the characters for "Boys Over Flowers~.

We think that there must have been females out there who were very into "Boys Over Flowers" for quite some time. There would have been females who watched the Japanese version and Taiwanese version on cable TV as well. Instead of the Heung Boo's kindness, we gave more points to Nohl Boo's sense of economy. <--- referring to a Korean folktale of two brothers. One brother was a soft hearted one while one was rich and selfish. Just like Tsukasa.

In the 1998 project, "Ever After", Drew Barrymore's Cinderella character was simply kind, and she acted as a character who turned the tables on her stepsisters and stepmother for a refreshing ending. These days, a kind person is not the key, but being a person who is clear on management with ability is the person who holds the upperhand.

This is a thought that would have crossed your mind at least once when you viewed the Japanese and Taiwanese version on cable TV. We imagined that if we had this project in our "best drama country", we must have had this thought. This became a reality. A Korean version of "Boys Over Flowers." Even though we would accept the official castings from the producers, we thought it woud be fun to have our own castings, so we asked members of "Patzzi."

We asked that you pick the five main characters of "Boys Over Flowers" however you like it. The research took place from March 5th to the 12th 2008 at female portal Patzzi.com (http://patzzi.joins.com/), and during that time, 1,425 people participated in the event.

In the research, 92% of the participants were females, and in average, they were all in their mid 20s to late 20s age group. We also think that there were females out there who called in to participate in the research.

1. The celebrity that fits best with the rough, yet perfect man Tsukasa?

Rough Tsukasa. If we were to really meet this kind of character, how would we react? Normal people might yell out with anger, "How much money do you have? Do you know that people have to have the basics down of a human being?"

However, these kinds of characters in dramas and movies have a certain charm. <lovers in Paris>'s Park Shin Yang had this characteristic, <my Name Is Kim Samsoon>'s Sam Shik's Hyun Bin had this characteristic, and the currently hot <1st Shop of Coffee Prince>'s perfect man's Gong Yoo had this characteristic as well.

Not just one, not just two, but always the young master of a rich family has four major flaws. These people always have ability, the looks, and are very faithful. We don't know about those women out there who are married and living, but aren't there women out there who always wanted to date before?

The Patzzi members chose Jo In Sung to be the most suitable for the rough, four flawed, yet have no choice but to be love "Tsukuasa"'s character after a hard battle. There might be people out there who might shout out, "Jo In Sung's perfect for it!" after a thought of SBS's 2004 project, <what Happened in Bali>'s Jo In Sung. Kang Dong Won secured the 2nd place spot by a near shot.

Kang Dong Won pulled off a role such as Tsukasa's sucessfully in the past through his recent movie, "M" and if you go further back in time, MBC's <1% of Anything>. We're curious to see how many people remember this 2003 project tht was broadcasted on Sunday mornings.

Gong Yoo secured with the 3rd place spot with 11% of the votes. <1st Shop of Coffee Prince>'s Han Kyul was plenty rough of a young master of a rich family, but we think that he was closer to a soft hearted man by the way he treated Eun Chan (Yoon Eun Hye).

Kang Ji Hwan the 4th place spot who is busy with his schedules in <hong Gil Dong>. Although he had a powerful pro Japanese group member as a father in KBS <capital Scandal>, we view that he was closer to a Ssagaji character than he was a person who fought for the independence movement with his older brother. Because of his heartwarming, "woman treasuring", gentlemanlike acting in MBC <be Strong, Geum Soon>, he remained to be in 4th place.

<my Name Is Kim Samsoon>'s Hyun Bin secured the 5th place. Inside the drama, Sam Shik was more of a person who knew how love hurts, and had a strong feeling of a playful, cute character, while in SBS <snow Queen> he portrayed a math genius image, and we think that he left us an image of a mathmatician.

After that, there came Kim Hee Chul, Lee Min Ki, Won Bin, Jung Il Woo, Jang Geun Suk, and Lee Dong Wook respectively.

2. The celebrity that fits the pure Rui who knows how to fulfill a woman's heart more than a woman?

We think of these thoughts. A character that is a little less rich, doesn't look as handsome but always comforts the female character whenever she gets hurt by the main male character.

With this in mind, pure Rui is a character with lots of charm. <palace>'s Lee Yul type of character who looks for Shin Chae Kyung? Or the <6 Years in Love>'s Shin Sung Teuk's kind of character.

Kang Dong Won received a powerful 25% for pure Rui's role and secured the number one spot. In the movie, <duelist>, Kang Dong Won expressed what treasuring a person is through just mere expressions without any lines, and the Kang Dong Won who didn't understand his self existence was selected to be the most soft hearted man by Patzzi members.

The Won Bin who shouted "How much do you need?" secured the 2nd place spot with 9%. When will we see Won Bin? To the Won Bin who hasn't been active his military service and have helped out for UNICEF and have made viewers wait for so long! We'll look forward to seeing you again through some sort of media of advertisement.

<1st Shop of Coffee Prince>'s Lee Sun Gyun secured the 3rd place spot. Need we say more? MBC <white Tower>'s Choi Do Young's Lee Sun Gyun and <1st Shop of Coffee Prince>'s Choi Han Sung's character Lee Sun Gyun left an impression of a 10,000 times charged trustworthy man so we see it that it is inevitable that he comes to mind for the role of Rui.

Hyun Bin got the 4th place spot while Gong Yoo got the 5th place spot. Do you remember <hardtack Teacher and Star Candy> that Gong Yoo starred in? The image of decorating the doorway of the teacher that he loves (as a woman) with flowers all night! He's so very loveeable. Gong Yoo secured the 5th place spot because of the thought of living happily for at least 10 years after the thought of receiving such a gift from him.

Behind him were Jung Il Woo, Jang Geun Suk, Jo In Sung, and Ryu Shi Won in that order.

3. The celebrity who fits best with playboy Soujiro?

Although it might not be such a happy thing to be picked for 1st place for a playboy role, members of Patzzi sent a response without a big difference of results for Soujiro's role. Among them, Gong Yoo got 13%.

2nd place with 11% was Kang Ji Hwan, 3rd place Jang Geun Suk, 4th place Jo In Sung, and 5th place was Kim Hee Chul. Because Kim Hee Chul expresses his thoughts freely in variety programs, it is understandable that he was selected, but as for Jang Geun Suk being in 3rd place, it might be because although he still might be young, he is seen to have potential filled future.

4. The celebrity who fits as the gigolo yet is kind towards his parents without fail character, Akira?

If you mention gigolo, then MBC's 1994 project, <seoul's Moon>'s Han Suk Gyu could not be exempted. We think that perhaps the gigolo that cannot be hated would be Han Suk Gyu.

Before that, gigolos were usually the ones that backslap women, and threw them away shamelessly when they were not needed, but through the project <seoul's Moon>, the behind the scenes of gigolos were revealed with his inevitable situations and tears making impossible to hate his character.

Gong Yoo kicked Lee Min Ki to the side with a 7 point difference with 9% for gigolo Akira's role. Seeing that Gong Yoo received high ranks for a rough yet sweet man, soft hearted man, a playboy and even a gigolo, we see that he is a celebrity who would be able to successfully pull off any kind of role.

If we look at the 2nd place Lee Min Ki who acted with Kang Won girl Eugene in MBC <really Really Like You> or KBS <dalja's Spring>'s character, we think that he is an actor with enough seriousness that it is not too drastic. Would we not recommend that kind of image for Akira's role?

3rd place was Jo In Sung, 4th was Kim Hee Chul, 5th place was Jung Il Woo, and 6th place was Jang Geun Suk.

5. Lastly, the main female character Tsukushi. Who is the celebrity that would match with a bright, lively, fresh, blunt role?

If we start the questionaire, the question, "Wouldn't Yoon Eun Hye get the role of Tsukushi?" came out. As expected, Yoon Eun Hye who deeply rooted a healthy and strong woman image in <1st Shop of Coffee Prince> and <the Vineyard Man> got the 1st place spot.

Go Ara secured the 2nd place spot who is currently busy in the MBC's project <who Are You?> Sunday morning drama <ban Oh Lim>'s character. She gives off a little Yoon Eun Hye vibe as well.

After that, Nam Sang Mi took the 3rd place spot 10 points behind Go Ara. The Nam Sang Mi who rose in popularity after <sweet Spy>, <time Between Dog and Wolf>! We want to see your acting again, so please send in a good scenario and make a good project~!

Song Hye Gyo who didn't receive a big response to her movies <my Girl and I> and <hwangjini> after <full House> and yet still loveable Song Hye Gyo secured the 4th place spot. The scenes of her in <full House> cleaning the bathroom and singing the "Three Bears" song comes to mind. We think that she would suit the role very well.

Lee Yeon Hee got the 5th place. The girl that looks pitiful because of her skinniness. We all thought that the girl who didn't want to give up her love (Gong Yoo) even though she was ill with a disease was very charming in the MBC project <one Fine Day>. We think that she looks the most similar to the female character in the Taiwanese version among the other finishers.

Behind her are Gong Hyo Jin, Moon Geun Young, Bae Doo Na, Lee Da Hae, Sung Yuri, and Kim Ah Joong in that order.

Who is the real main star? We are very curious. Now that we have chosen each character's star, how about we analyze their pay for each episode? Patzzi research is currently doing research on their episodal pay.

We decided that the celebrities who got 1st place would be the level, (I assume, the level of pay they would get...?) and because of the case that Gong Yoo got 1st place for two areas, we decided that 2nd palce finisher Lee Min Ki would receive the gigolo Akira role. We hope you participate.

This is NOT the actual cast. Some "Patzzi group" ran a survey, and this is what the netizens decided.

originally posted by creidesca,
translated by linda
1935 replies since 28/2/2008, 13:15   53306 views