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Secret Garden

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Misa Ji-hye
view post Posted on 19/7/2010, 09:35 by: Misa Ji-hye     +1   +1   -1

한국인의마음을 가진 이태리인




Titolo: Secret Garden
Genere: Commedia, sentimentale, fantasy
Episodi: 20
Rete televisiva: SBS
Periodo di trasmissione: dal 13 novembre 2010 al 16 gennaio 2011
Regia: Shin Woo Chul (City Hall, On Air, Hello! Miss, Lovers, Lovers in Prague, Lovers in Paris)
Sceneggiatura: Kim Eun-sook (City Hall, On Air, Hello! Miss, Lovers, Lovers in Prague, Lovers in Paris)
Sottotitoli italiani a cura di DIC, SAF, MIST e BakaGirls

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Hyun Bin - Kim Joo Won
Ha Ji Won - Gil Ra Im
Yoon Sang Hyun - Oska
Kim Sa Rang - Yoon Seul
Lee Philip - Im Jong Soo

Kim Joo Won è un giovane imprenditore dal carattere arrogante e infantile, Gil Ra Im è una stuntwoman la cui bellezza è invidiata anche dalle più grandi attrici. A causa di alcuni avvenimenti legati ad una strana foresta, ad una strana casa e ad una strana signora, i due si ritroveranno col corpo scambiato.

Trama più specifica (in inglese):
The SBS weekend drama Secret Garden (Writer Kim Eun Sook, Director Shin Woo Chul/Production Hwa and Dam Pictures) is a romantic drama that tells the unique story of two people who incessantly argue whenever they meet exchanging souls.

The love story begins when the souls of millionaire department store owner, Joo Won (Hyun Bin), and a stunt woman with dreams of becoming a stunt director, Lime (Ha Ji Won), exchange souls.

Joo Won and Lime struggle to take back their bodies and a hilarious body scramble takes place. Through experiencing each other’s’ lives, they begin to find themselves and fall into their own ‘secret garden’.

Secret Garden is directed by Shin Woo Chul and written by Kim Eun Sook. As one of the most anticipated shows of the latter half of the year, Secret Garden is set to make history for the romantic drama field. The duo of Shin Woo Chul and Kim Eun Sook have received praise and support from viewers with their other projects such as Lady of Paris, Lady of Prague, On Air, and City Hall.

Character Description:
Kim Joo Won (31 years old) --- Hyun Bin
He is a chaebol with a haggard look who only cares about himself. He is a department store owner. All of his employees dislike him because of his character. He is a man who is unmoved by women. He doesn't know anything about love or romance. Little by little he falls for Gil Ra Im's unique charm. He thinks about Gil Ra Im often. He thought that there's no way he could like her. But why does she keep appearing in his thoughts? He takes out his anger on other people. Filled with jealousy he did something extremely childish. One day at a special event for the department store, a woman will be chosen to go on a date to Jeju with Oscar (since he is the main model). The woman chosen is Gil Ra Im. He created an anti fan café for Oscar. Serves him(Oscar) right for choosing her as number one. The arrogance of Kim Joo Won is unbelievable as he believes that “God must be a woman. That’s why she made me.”

Gil Ra Im (28 years old) -- Ha Ji Won
She has a nice body, a pretty face and has good control of her body movement. She is a stuntwoman. She can forgive a penniless ugly man, but she can't forgive a man who has a slow jab punch. She still has a supermodel S-line body no matter how much pork roll and soju she eats and drinks. Even with only using free cosmetic samples her face is luminous. With that face and body, why is she only an action actress? She is a woman that laughs freely. She is the envy of other top actresses. There is only one woman like her in the world. One day she met the thoughtless, immature Joo Won. She thought that God must’ve not been in His right mind when he created this person. This man has no interest in other people’s suffering. This man has even less interest in other people’s feelings. This man is sweet and dangerous.

Edited by HyeSoo - 14/3/2017, 10:08
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